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Television Interviews

A portion of the coverage we have experienced can be found below.

China Global Television News

This piece ran in late November 2021, covering the story of the auctioning of the world's first Non-Fungible Token ("NFT") of a digital rhino horn. This was an effort undertaken by our friends at Virtual Nation Builders, aiming to help fund our anti-poaching efforts.


The NFT of our horn sold for the highest price of all items auctioned on the night, which is encouraging.  The significance of NFTs in the fight to save rhino is still unclear and will only become apparent in the coming months, as more items are made available for sale.

Agence France Presse

This piece covered the auction of the rhino horn NFT offered in late November 2021.


The wonderful reporter Jane Dutton came out to visit our reserve in late 2019 and filed a series of reports on our efforts to protect the rhino in our care and keep their numbers increasing. 


Another one of Jane Dutton's series of reports on our efforts to protect rhino and establish a more sustainable model for their conservation.


Jane Dutton's piece focusing on the anti-poaching efforts that have helped us double our rhino population within four years.


While not strictly speaking a television interview, this piece was shot as part of a documentary being prepared by two young Australians, and serves nicely as a summary of the key points everyone should know before they engage in the debate on whether rhino horn that is trimmed ethically and harmlessly by conservationists ought to be sold to help cover the costs of keeping rhino safe.

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